Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Continuing Education

Encounter offers emerging and executive Jewish leaders opportunities to continue learning and engaging the core issues the heart of the conflict.

Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

Communicating in Conflict: Resources

Encounter’s approach to commu­ni­cating in conflict serves as the blue­print for our values. This frame­work is what makes our trips unique, allowing for resilient listening and honest exchange.

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Photo by Shulamit Seidler-Feller

What We’re Reading, Watching & Listening To

Access Encounter’s library of articles, videos, podcasts and other media that help us deepen our understanding of the conflict from a range of perspectives; these include pieces by Encounter’s staff and past participants.

Access Resources
I understand so much more. Even the basic history, the dates, the wars, the treaties… Eric Robbins President/CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
It's a powerful and necessary experience. Lindsey B. Mintz Executive Director, Indianapolis JCRC
It is a duty to listen to all the stories if you wish to have a properly functioning moral compass. Rabbi Steve Greenberg Executive Director, Eshel
I have an additional narrative in my head which I didn't have prior--that is why I knew it was necessary for me as a communal leader. Debbie Cosgrove Chair, Jewish Women’s Foundation NY
The Encounter experience was such a powerful reminder of the importance of face-to-face interaction. After listening to and learning from actual Palestinian human beings, it’s impossible to revert to grand pronouncements about ‘the Palestinians’ as an undifferentiated, homogenous collective: They’re just as complex, multi-dimensional, thoughtful, and fallible as the rest of us. What a gift to be reminded of that elusive truth in this era of insidious generalizations. Aaron Dorfman President, Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah