How much does participation cost?

Program costs, accommodations (shared rooms), and flights* for Jewish communal professionals are underwritten by Encounter’s donors.


Please note:

  • Flights will be reimbursed up to $1200 USD (higher for West Coast participants).
  • Participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from airports and for covering the costs of this transportation.
  • Accommodations on Encounter programs are based on shared occupancy. Should you wish to upgrade to a single room, please indicate so on your intake form. You will be responsible for the difference in price.

PLEASE NOTE: The views expressed in this section of the website are not neces­sarily those of Encounter as an organization. We support the chorus of voices of the Jewish commu­nity in engage­ment with the complex­i­ties of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so long as they are consis­tent with our core values.